
Read What Cliff & Judy’s Clients Are Saying

Hi Judy, how grateful I am to take this class. Each class made me think, how wonderful this life is. I love myself more and more...I am so grateful to have you in my life...I love you very very much.


Taking Cliff and Judy's Healing Course is life changing. I learned life skills that I can use in my life on a daily basis. experience more peace, love and empathy.
Not only am I blessed with these tools, but so is my family. You cannot put a price tag on the peace I get to create in my life on a daily basis.


I would highly recommend taking Cliff and Judy's education course. You will learn life changing methods and knowledge. You need to have a faith centered life and especially be able to help friends, family and loved ones find peace and purpose in their life. Help them to clear old childhood wounds and move forward with confidence in life.


Therapy with Cliff and Judy has been a life-changer for me. I was in a difficult marriage and was sure I was the "victim". I learned to take responsibility for my life and that I could change and heal and enjoy my life, regardless of my circumstances. My favorite quote became, "weaknesses can be changed into strengths." It has been 20+ years that Cliff and Judy have coached me when I needed a session with them and I recommend Judy and Cliff wholeheartedly!


I made an appointment with Judy and it changed my life so quickly even in the first session. I had an amazing transformation. Judy helped me to make rhyme and reason to
what had been happening in my marriage to a former spouse. She helped me to see that what I experienced in my childhood had become a template for what I would experience in one way or another in my life. For good and bad. What I experience became “My Story” meaning the story line that I would live out repeatedly like the movie “Ground Hogs Day.”

I would find myself in the same scenarios over and over again matching the same abandonment, the same disappointment and the pain from the past. We identified the limiting beliefs of my story, the failure syndrome, the victim role and much more. Then Judy took me through meditation to heal all that we discovered. I feel like a new person with hope and energy to succeed and reach my goals. I would recommend everyone to Judy’s Christian Healing Methods.

Now I continue to work on turning my weaknesses into strengths and being responsible for what I create in my life as I am continuing with my personal development with Judy. She taught me how to empower my life and get what I want in my life. I have a toolbox so I am learning to do self-counseling as well.

I was shocked that I got the results I got so quickly. I am happy I made that first call.


Thank you for your love, support, and listening to the spirit. God bless you for making a difference in my life and so many others. I love you with all my heart.”


Cliff Dunston is a delightful man, with a great sense of humor and also a very serious side, as he shares his many years of study and practice. I love his manual. It is full of very useful info that I use all the time. Studying with him has greatly increased my knowledge of the lymphatic system and acupressure points. He shares his knowledge of essential oils and gives hands on training.


Judy Duston is lovely lady, with a big, kind heart and so much knowledge to share. Thru her training, I have learned many things about understanding the hearts, minds, and actions of others. She has also helped me see more about myself and my gifts. I have really appreciated the things I have learned about the brain, stress, love, emotions, supplements, and other helpful products. I have implemented many of them into my own health journey, and into the help I give others.


Hello dear friends. It’s hard to put into words all the feelings I have for you two and the profound effect you have had on my life. My celiac and lactose intolerance are completely gone. That is a MAJOR MIRACLE for me. I still shake my head in wonderment. Feel free to edit my remarks in anyway you see fit. I hope you can both feel what I may not be able to quite articulate the way I would like, but here you go:)

Cliff Dunston’s class has had such a profound effect on my life. His belief that we can heal today,through Christ, even as He healed when He walked on earth, meshed with my own core beliefs. Through his amazing book “Meridian Health”,I felt the truth radiating from the principles of healing he was teaching. His Meridian Oil has had an amazing effect on physical issues I was having. I have been able to bring health and balance to several areas of concern in my body through the use of the Meridian Oil. My life will never be the same.

Thank you Cliff for sharing your beautiful gifts of light and corny sense of humor:)” With much love, - P.J.

Judy Dunston has such a deep understanding of how to find the core issues to emotional, spiritual and physical imbalances within us. Her intuitive spirit seems to know how to guide a person so they can clear and heal our inner self. After her classes, I found I was not the same person as when I started. There had been a great healing take place within me after learning and implementing the techniques she taught. It had been an amazing experience to learn from these gifted people.

Judy, you will always be a forever friend.” With much love, - P.J.
