pH Balance

What Role Does pH Balance Have On Your Health?


pH holds the key to health. So what is it and what can be done about it?

Cell-MeridianHealingMethodsThe “p” in pH stands for potential. The “H” in pH stands for Hydrogen. The more saturation of hydrogen ions, the more alkaline the blood and cells of the body will be. A reduction of hydrogen indicates more acidic blood, which leads to disease. The extremes of acid or alkaline are not healthy. Take a look. Each point that you move on the scale from zero to fourteen  is ten times stronger than the previous point. Eight is ten time stronger than seven on the alkaline scale.

The role of the pH value in our blood…

All medical research, private and government, agree that the proper pH balance of our physiology is a primary biochemical necessity for health The numbers 0-14 represent the pH value in our blood. Most people have diets that are very acidic. The acid state is the cause of most disease such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer

Most pH imbalance is due to high levels of:

  • Bacteria
  • Toxins
  • Free radicals
  • Trapped blood proteins
  • Pathogens
  • Medications

High acid levels in the blood cause more stress to be placed on the pores of the blood vessels. Science shows that any form of stress or an acid toxic state may cause a dilation of the blood vessel pores. This allows blood proteins (mostly albumen) to slip into the interstitial space between cells. Albumen will then attract water from the blood stream. This excess of water, filled with acidic toxins, will block oxygen and other nutrients from the cells creating an environment for disease.

The importance of your alkaline state…

Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner, discovered that cells without oxygen turn cancerous 100% of the time.

Dr. Warburg found that when oxygen could not get to the cell, the cell would turn cancerous. He also found that the cancer did not need oxygen to live. He won a second Nobel Prize on the study of glucose being blocked from the cell by the excess water.

Dr. Warburg found that glucose in this acid environment in the interstitial space would ferment and become the primary food source for cancer cells.

When you return blood to an alkaline state, the fermentation of glucose no longer takes place and the food source for cancer cells is no longer produced or available.

FastFood-MeridianHealingMethodsWe choose our health or disease by what we eat, drink, and think. Being in a state of stress will block the body’s ability to absorb hydrogen and oxygen.

Those who make bad food and beverage choices choose to create acid in their body which promotes disease.

Stress is the major cause of all disease. Chemical stress, especially environmental chemicals cause more cancer in infants and children than any other factor.

Deep breathing, meditation, and drinking ionized alkaline water can reduce the acid state of the body. Sufficient magnesium in your blood must be maintained at a level of 1% of magnesium for proper pH balance.

Of all the foods or beverages that destroy pH balance, soda pop is king. It is impossible to create proper pH balance if you drink soda pop.

Our choice to care for our bodies by what we eat, drink and think honors our Maker and ourselves. Carefully consider your food choices for optimal health.

If you are open to be enlightened and want healing and want to learn self-care….please Contact Me, and together we can address your ailments and their solutions.

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