Gia Wellness Products

Gia Wellness Products – The Electro Magnetic Frequency Solution Company


GIA is a heartfelt creation born of a genuine dream to make a tangible difference.

Today’s 21st century lifestyle—saturated with hi-tech/wireless technologies and the tremendous stress and toxicity they generate we are saturated with EMF Radiation from our Cell Phone’s iPad, Computers, Smart TV’s, Smart Car’s, and WIFI.

GIA Wellness Products – If you order $250 or more you get a free distributorship (a savings of $49) and you get 30% off of the products that you order that are listed below.

Physicians and scientists have been talking about this for years and the health hazards of using hi-tech devices. Well, who wants to give up the conveniences of our hi-tech devices. None of us, right? No worries, Gia Wellness Products have the technology to protect us.

All I know is that we are passionate about getting the word out that you can do something about this invisible toxic energy now.  Gia Wellness fills that need—and then some. For starters, at GIA, the very best of hydration, nourishment, and energy is delivered through a fully integrated, proprietary delivery process.

Gia Wellness has a product line that protects us with our Cell Phone’s iPad, Computers, Smart TV’s, Smart Car’s, and Wi-Fi.

To learn more about Gia Products Click Here or call Judy at 801 766-9191 about how to get a 20-30% discount.

You can participate in the Referral Marketing Program Membership and get 30% off on all the products for $19.95. Go to to get your Gia Wellness Products for 30% off.

Click here to see Gia’s Wonderful Products